NMA Scripts

Coarse grain

Takes a protein structure or biological assembly and coarse grains to select a set amount of CB atoms Command:

coarseGrain.py <options> --pdbFile <pdb file> --atomType <string>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
PDB file * File --pdb PDB structure to coarse grain. Can also accept biological assembly (.pdb1)
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Coarse grain level Comma Separted String --cg

Level/Levels by which to coarse grain protein. Lower is less coarse grained

E.g –cg 4

E.g –cg 1,3,5 Default: 4

Starting atom Integer --startingAtom Residue number of the starting atom. Default: 1
Output file File --output Specify a name for the PDB output file. Default: ComplexCG.pdb


Output Description
PDB file/s Coarse grained protein/s or macromolecule/s


Constructs an elastic network model of a protein complex and solves for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system.


g++ -I cpp/src/ ANM.cpp -o ANM


ANM <options> --pdb <pdb file> --atomType <atom type>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
PDB file * File --pdb PDB input file
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Cutoff Integer --cutoff Cuttoff radius in Å. Default: 15


Output Description
W matrix Text file of \(3N\) eigenvalues
VT matrix Text file of \(3N\)x\(3N\) eigenvectors. Printed in rows
U matrix Text file of \(3N\)x\(3N\) eigenvectors. Printed in columns

Mean square fluctuation

Calculates and returns the diagonals of the correlation matrix for a given set of modes.

The user can also compare the msf between two protein complexes. Let’s say that the user has performed NMA on two coarse grained models of the same protein, and now wants to compare if the additional coarse graining decreased the accuracy. If we obtain the same mean square fluctuations for each residue, then in each model we can say that the results are comparable regardless of the coarse graining level. Obviously, we must compare only the residues that are common in each model. Hence, we specify common residues.


meanSquareFluctuations.py <options> --pdb <PDB file> --wMatrix <text file> --vtMatrix <text file> --atomType <string>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
PDB file * File --pdb PDB input file
W matrix file * File --wMatrix W values from ANM script for PDB
VT matrix file * File --vtMatrix VT values from ANM script for Comparison PDB
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Comparison PDB File --pdbC When assigned, calculates mean square fluctuations based on common residues between the two systems.
W matrix file for pdbC File --wMatrixC When assigned, calculates W values from ANM for Comparison PDB
VT matrix file for pdbC File --vtMatrixC When assigned, calculates VT values from ANM for Comparison PDB
Selected modes



Colon Separated String


Comma Separated String


MSFs will be calculated over specified modes. Options: 1) Single mode E.g –modes 7; 2) A range E.g –modes 7:20; 3) A list E.g –modes 8,9,11

If unspecified MSFs will be calculated for the first twenty slowest modes (7:27)


Output Description
The following are generated for the PDB and Comparison PDB (if pdbC was assigned)
MSF text file MSF for all residues, calculated over all modes
MSF modes text file MSF for all residues, calculated for a specific mode range
Common residue MSF text file MSF for all common residues, calculated over all modes
Common residue MSF modes text file MSF for all common residues, calculated over a specific mode range

Assembly Covariance

Calculates and plots Covariance matrices

The user can compare the Covariance between different regions in the biological assembly, or can calculate the Covariance across the full assembly complex. The user also has the option to perform the calculation over a specified list of modes or a mode range. The function also has a zoom option that allows the user to create a Covariance plot for a particular chain within a particular asymmetric unit.


assemblyCovariance.py <options> --pdb <PDB file> --wMatrix <text file> --vtMatrix <text file> --atomType <string>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
PDB file * File --pdb PDB input file
W matrix file * File --wMatrix W values from ANM script for PDB
VT matrix file * File --vtMatrix VT values from ANM script for Comparison PDB
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Selected modes



Colon Separated String


Comma Separated String


Covariance will be calculated over specified modes

Options: 1) All modes E.g –modes all; 2) Single mode E.g –modes 7; 3) A range E.g –modes 7:20; 4) A list E.g –modes 8,9,11

If unspecified, Covariance will be calculated for all modes.

Asymmetric Units



Comma Separated String


Covariance will be calculated and plotted for specified asymmetric units

Options: 1) Single unit

E.g –aUnits 5;
  1. A list of units E.g –aUnits 1,3

If unspecified, Covariance will be calculated for the first asymmetric unit in the assembly.

Zoom Comma Separated String --zoom

If specified, Covariance will be calculated and plotted for a specified chain in a specified unit. Only format accepts is: [Unit,Chain]

E.g –zoom 1,2

E.g –zoom 1,B

(Chain specifier must match
chain label in PDB file) The above calculates the covariance for the second chain in the first asymmetric unit.
VMin float --vmin Minimum axes value for plot Default: -0.1
VMax float --vmax Maximum axes value for plot Default: 0.1


Output Description
Covariance Plots Covariance Matrices plotted as a Linear Segmented Color map
Matrix text files Covariance Matrices printed in .txt format

Conformation mode

Identifies modes responsible for the conformational change of a molecule.


conformationMode.py <options> --pdbConf <PDB file> --pdbANM <PDB file> --vtMatrix <text file> --atomType <string>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Unaligned PDB file * File --pdbConf PDB file of the conformational change
PDB * File --pdbANM PDB file that was used to run ANM
VT matrix file * File --vtMatrix Eigenvetors obtained from ANM script
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Output file File --output Specify a name for the output file. Default: ModesOfConfChange.txt


Output Description
Conformation file Text file with the overlap and correlation of each mode

Combination mode

Calculates the combined overlap and correlation for specified set of modes to a known conformational change. This script also calculates the overlap and correlation per chain in each asymmetric unit for the specified modes. This allows the user to determine which parts of the complex, in each mode, contribute the most to the overall conformational change.


combinationMode.py <options> --pdbConf <PDB file> --pdbANM <PDB file> --vtMatrix <text file> --modes <comma separated string> --atomType <string>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Unaligned PDB file * File --pdbConf PDB file of the conformational change
PDB * File --pdbANM PDB file that was used to run ANM
VT matrix file * File --vtMatrix Eigenvetors obtained from ANM script
Modes * Integer --modes Calculate the overlap for a combination of specific modes. Numbers are separated by commas: 1,5,7
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Output file File --output Specify a name for the output file. Default: ModeSpecificConfChange.txt


Output Description
Combination file Text file with the overlap and correlation of each mode as well as the combined overlap and correlation for the modes specified
Break down per unit file Text file with the overlap and correlation calculated for each chain in each asymmetric unit in the complex. Calculations are performed for each specified mode.

Mode visualisation

Generates a set of frames, where eigenvectors are plotted as a set of unit vectors multiplied by an increasing factor in each frame. Vectors are also plotted as arrows that can be viewed in the tool VMD


visualiseVector.py <options> --pdb <PDB file> --vtMatrix <text file> --mode <int> --atomType <string> --direction <int>


Input (*required) Input type Flag Description
Coarse grained PDB file * File --pdb Coarse grained PDB input file
Mode index value * Ingeter --mode Value specifying the index of the mode
VT matrix file * File --vtMatrix VT values from ANM script
Atom type * String --atomType Specify the type of atom to be selected in CG models. Only CA or CB accepted.
Direction Boolean integer (1 or -1) --direction Direction of overlap correction. Default = 1
Arrow head float --head Radius of cone that forms the head of each vector arrow
Arrow tail float --tail Radius of cylinder that forms the tail of each vector arrow
Arrow length float --arrowLength

Specify a factor by which to increase or decrease the length of each arrow E.g

–arrowLength 2 doubles the default length and –arrowLength 0.5 halves the default length
Colours Comma Separted String --colourByChain

Colour the vectors arrows of each chain. E.g for a two chain protein

–colourByChain blue,red

will colour the arrows of Chain A as blue and Chain B as red

Asymmetric Units



Comma Separated String


Vector frames and arrows will be plotted for specified asymmetric units

Options: 1) Single unit

E.g –aUnits 5
  1. A list of units E.g –aUnits 1,3
Chain String --chain Draws arrows only for the specified chain. This option only accepts a single chain


Outputs are generated in output/VISUALISE directory by default.

Output Description
PDB file Output PDB to be opened in VMD
Arrows file Tcl script that can be copied into the VMD TK console